Thursday, November 4, 2010

1 800 - TIPS

"Hello, 1 800 TIPS"

"Is this the number to report suspicious activity?"

"Yes, sir, do you see any suspicious activity?"

"Yes, I'm watching it happen right now."

"Could you described this activity?"

"I'm driving on the Beltway, following a BMW. The driver is maintaining the speed limit and using his turn signal for lane changes. He even let another driver in front."

"Sir, please remain calm. We are getting a GPS fix on your cell phone and are dispatching a SWAT team immediately."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Year's Resolution

In honor of making it to one more year, I decided to make a resolution. I will try to post at least twice a week about different aspects of writing.

These might include a little fiction, a little truth, but mostly just ramblings. One of my writing heroes, George Carlin, would call it "Brain Droppings."

I have come up with a few ideas that I will be sharing soon. Hopefully, they will entertain, beguile, amuse and cause a few people to send checks (I did say "fiction").

So, Here's to the New Year!